• Instructions On How To Use Your Green Aventurine Pendulum Hold the pendulum between your thumb and index finger with your elbow slightly bent at your side.
  • Use the hand that feels most comfortable for you.
  • Relax! It is important to let the natural vibrations of your own body move through your hand to the pendulum.
  • The Green Aventurine pendulum works like muscle-testing or kinesiology: your sub-conscious knows what you need to know.
  • The pendulum will show you the answer by picking up and amplifying the subtle vibrations from your sub-conscious, causing the pendulum to swing! You can ask any question to get a YES or NO answer.
  • How To Interpret Yes/No For many people, when the pendulum swings left and right this can be interpreted as a “NO”.
  • If the pendulum swings to and fro, then this can be interpreted as a “YES”.
  • If your Green Aventurine Pendulum swings elliptically, clock-wise, counter-clockwise, or in some other gyration or even stays rigidly still, you must interpret this as best you can.
  • Here’s a hint: Ask your pendulum something that is true: “IS MY NAME ……………… ? (insert your real name) Note what the response is.
  • This will give you a “YES”. Now ask your pendulum something that you know is not true:”IS MY NAME James?” Note what the response is. This will give you a “NO”.
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